Healing of the womb… Dissolving blocks to intimacy…
Intimacy is many times translated as “into me see” as when we are intimate with somebody we allow that person to see into us, to see who we truly are, to see even the parts of us that we are trying to hide from the outside world. True intimacy requires us to be vulnerable and opened to sharing how we truly feel.
Many of us have built barriers to intimacy because we are afraid that the person we love might see who we truly are and reject us because of it. We are afraid they may see, and not like, the parts of us that we have labeled as bad and negative, the parts of us that we are ashamed of, the parts of us that we have separated ourselves from, the parts of us that we have rejected and we are denying actually exist within ourselves.
This painting and code is about dissolving these blocks so that we can let our partner (and also other people in our life) get closer to us, and so that we can be more authentic and true to ourself in their presence. It is about healing the painful memories that make us keep a person at a distance.
Many times it requires us to love and accept the parts of ourselves that we have rejected before we can let another person see into these parts of ourselves.
© Noëlie Ceyral - September 2018
Original artwork: Not available
Fine art print : Available here
* If you would like to purchase this artwork, please contact Noëlie on (+33) 06 42 91 61 21 or
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